Within the past month I have been busy with school, work and my internship at my university recording studio.
In the past month I've had a radio interview with Tiffani Walker from Embrace Life radio http://www.embraceliferadio.com/. Much respect to Tiffani for her support of my music and other upcoming artists. She understands and acknowledges the hardships of independent artists like myself and makes sure they get recognition and praise for their work. (Thanks Tiff!)
I've also sung at several engagements and of course, I am writing constantly. My latest song is "Who I Am," a guitar collab. It's a friendly acoustic song that is really mellow and similar in style as a Jessie J or Sara Bareilles song.
Every day I am gaining fans internationally and it is so exciting!! http://www.jango.com/music/Casaundra?l=0
I am humbled to know that people in other countries are listening and supporting me; I feel the love and respect!!
What I'm really looking forward to is the "I Create Music" ASCAP Expo; L.A. next month!! This will be an opportunity for me to be surrounded by peers who share the same goals and talents; believe you me, I am sooo excited! I plan on leaving an impression on L.A. and taking in some invaluable information. There's much to be said about the creative environment; I simply love it! I think I'll probably be so amped from my surrounding that's I'm willing to bet I won't get much sleep but who needs sleep when you're in L.A. at a music expo??
Anyway, I want to encourage you. Things won't always move at a pace that is ideal for you but you must be patient. I find my self restless many times when things don't go my way but then I realize I'm not God; all I can do is my best and leave the rest to Him sooo... - my dear friend just breathe, stretch, shake & let it go as Diddy said lol.
If you have not purchased "What Kind of Love" yet, you should. What Kind of Love by Casaundra - Download What Kind of Love on iTunes. #TeamSupport ♥
BTW, I love feedback so let me know what you think!! #TeamFeedback
Much love,